Get Involved

Stomping Grounds by Boat Trader is looking for passionate boaters and organizations who have a compelling on-the-water story to tell. Simply share your #mystompinggrounds tale with us below and if selected, you'll be featured in a future episode. Those we can't visit in person can still get exposure on our social media and content channels.

If selected, here's what to expect:

Exposure to the Boat Trader audience and all Stomping Grounds fans, currently 135,000 supporters and growing with each episode. Boat Trader distributes the episodes on streaming platforms to millions of households and promotes episodes nationally across all of our social channels and platforms.

A dedicated written editorial for every episode is published on the Boat Trader blog, which receives approximately 2 Million annual visits alone.

The content will also have the potential to reach another 900,000+ followers and subscribers across all of our partner social media channels and platforms, as well as our broader website audience and other national press outlets.

Tell Us About Your Stomping Grounds

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